Saturday, March 19, 2005

The latest from Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine:

The Andromeda Spaceways Newsletter
Keeping you up-to-date every with everything happening at ASIM!

Terry Pratchett!!

Dave Luckett scored an interview with Terry Pratchett when he visited
Australia last year, and we've got the interview to prove it! Check
out issue 17 for our six-page feature Terry Pratchett article as well
as our usual mix of reviews, articles and many, many pages of the fun
fiction goodness you love.

ASIM has scored nominations all over the place. Congratulations to all
nominees, but in particular to:
~~Barbara Robson, whose science fiction story Absolution in issue 15
was nominated for an Aurealis Award
~~Stephen Dedman, whose story The Whole of the Law in issue 13 was
nominated for a Ditmar
~~Les Petersen, who received best artwork Ditmar nominations for the
covers of ASIM issues 12 and 16
~~ASIM-featured artist Brian Smith, ASIM-featured author Barbara
Robson and ASIM-featured author and collective member Stuart Barrow,
who were all nominated for a Best New Talent Ditmar.

New Issue out now!

Issue #17 has hit the shelves: edited by Sally Beasley, this issue
includes Dave Luckett's interview with Terry Pratchett. But that's not

Trouble Leaves a Scent Trail, by Constance Cooper
Impractical Magic, by Gillian Polack
The Team-mate Reference Problem in Final-Stage Demon Confrontation, by
Constance Cooper
The Red Priest's Homecoming, by Dirk Flinthart
An Alien Abduction, by Mark Patrick Lynch
A Game of Knight Court, by Jason D Wittman
The Memory of Breathing, by Lyn Triffitt

Close Approach: Mars, by Helen Patrice
On Elven Grammar II, by Gillian Polack
The Sorcerer's Realm I, by Sophie Masson

New Members
ASIM is sorry to see Lyn Triffitt leave us, but we've gained Trevor
Dadson, Rowena Lindquist and Tara Smith in recent months.

See us at Swancon!
We'll be out in force at Swancon, in Perth, from 24-28 March. And
we'll have chocolate for anyone subscribing at the con. Not that we'd
try to bribe you.


You can spot ASIM members at the Con by their nifty new ~Travel Agent~
teeshirts. Speaking of which:

Want an ASIM teeshirt? Let us know! ~ contact to put in an order.

We want your feedback!
We love getting letters to publish in the magazine, and we appreciate
hearing from our readers about what they liked and didn't like. We
also appreciate letters or emails discussing any aspect of speculative
fiction that might be of interest to our readers. Send to

Subscribe now! You know you want to. ASIM issues make great presents,
and the paper is soft enough that you get at least one additional use
for them.

That's it for this newsletter - keep an eye out for issue 18 coming in

Robbie Matthews,
Zara Baxter,
Newsletter Editor