Wednesday, November 26, 2003

More Envision news -- press release courtesy of Cory Daniells

EnVision 2004

A 5 day Speculative Fiction workshop where writers get to polish their manuscript under the guidance of published authors who specialise in this genre.

This year's workshop will be even bigger and better! Not only will attendees get hands on experience working with published authors, but they will get an insight into the publishing industry.

Our industry professionals are Sean Williams, Kim Wilkins and Stephanie Smith. Sean Williams will be speaking on the Writer's Career path. Kim Wilkins will run a workshop on how to write your synopsis. We discovered last year that this was sorely needed. And Stephanie Smith, Publishing Editor of Harper Collins Voyager line will be speaking on what Harper Collins is looking for and how to approach an

Thanks to the support of the Brisbane City Council three half price scholarships are available for regional QLD attendees.

Because of book contracts Kim Wilkins will not be tutoring full time at Envision but Tansy Rayner Roberts, winner of the Inaugural George Turner Prize will be teaching, along with Louise Cusack, Marianne de Pierres and Cory Daniells. This year all four tutors will be on duty for all five days so there will be more time for individual tuition, but attendees will still be able to take their work to different tutors to get alternative feedback.

Where -- Brisbane, Australia.

When -- 2nd July -7th July, 2004

Cost -- $660 for the 5 days, plus manuscript reading fee.

Applications open January 1st, 2004. See for more information.

Contact Cory Daniells 07 3893 2959 (Aust) or email

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Issue #9 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine has just been released to subscribers.

A Carthaginian soldier attempts to beat the Romans at their own game... a corporate time traveller discovers a terrible secret... the Fates take a day off to discover nightclubs and Prada handbags... a space tour company makes its low class tourists pedal the ship across the galaxy... a wife confesses that she is a unicorn and possibly pregnant...

Issue #9, edited by award-winning comic fantasy writer Tansy Rayner Roberts (that would be me), features an interview with Brian Herbert about being the son of a legend, as well as stories by Stephen Dedman, Dirk Flinthart, William I Lengeman III, Howard Andrew Jones, G. Scott Huggins, Robert Hood, Edwina Harvey, Sarah Prineas, Jaleigh Johnson, Renee Dillon and Robert Cox. Also featured is an article on the history of original pulp fantasy magazine Weird Tales, and an interview with three Australian women writers of SF, Maxine McArthur, Marianne de Pierres and Michelle Marquardt.

ASIM is an Australian magazine of speculative fiction with an emphasis on fun, adventure & humour. It is run by a national co-op and released bimonthly, each issue with a different editor. We accept submissions from all over the world (by email, of course!) and have published work by Tom Holt, Bruce Boston and Juliet Marillier.

An Australian subscription to Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine costs only $45 for 6 issues (Aus$66 for overseas) and single issues (say, of #9) can be bought from the online shop at Issues can also be found at various specialist bookshops -- check out our website to find your nearest stockist.

Excellent news – I recently received an Arts Tasmania grant to write my children’s novel, Seacastle, in 2004. I’m pretty sure this is the first time that Arts Tasmania has given funding towards a project in the fantasy genre, which is very encouraging. After all, crime fiction has been getting grants for years.

I’m also joining the Envision workshop programme in 2004 as a tutor – this is a week-long workshop in which professionally-published writers assist new writers to improve their unpublished fantasy/SF/horror manuscript. It’s a great project and I’m really excited to be part of it. For more details check out